Do You Understand the Problem You’re Trying to Solve?

Podcaster: HBR On Leadership

Problem solving skills are invaluable in any job. But all too often, we jump to find solutions to a problem without taking time to really understand the dilemma we face, according to Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, an expert in innovation and the author of the book, What’s Your Problem?: To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to reframe tough problems by asking questions that reveal all the factors and assumptions that contribute to the situation. You’ll also learn why searching for just one root cause can be misleading.

Key episode topics include: leadership, decision making and problem solving, power and influence, business management.

Key episode topics include: leadership, innovation, power, commitment, talent management, resources, teams, collaboration.

Link to listen: Do You Understand the Problem You’re Trying to Solve? – HBR On Leadership | Podcast on Spotify

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